Friday, November 16, 2007


OK, so why another music blog? Well, first of all because I can. -)

No, actually I meant to do this for a long time. I wouldn't have done it yet, cause I still can't rip vinyls, but a friend asked for some albums I owned on CD, so I thought I'd post them, even if I'm not fully prepared to do this.

I'm not going to post daily or anything like that. I really appreciate and I'm grateful for the work some other bloggers do, but how they keep up with it is beyond me. But I'll try to to do a few updates a month at least.


MajorBonobo said...

That's the spirit.

IMI said...

There's no such thing as too many. Great stuff and good reviews!

Vertigo said...

Nice Jim!! Try for that vinyl ripping issue. It is not so difficult actually. I see that you have a lot of interesting things to share.

badgerstump said...

Give me a few suggestions and i'll contribute too...get the idea given the spread on show...let me know...

thoth said...

thank you so much for sharing. your reviews are great. and you have struck just the right balance of eclecticism with your music choices. i can see where your primary influences lie but that makes it interesting to see how you branch out from there. just downloaded a few things i would not have heard otherwise (mostly post-punk) and look forward to getting educated. the robert calvert and klaus schulze are two albums i already know and think are great. anyway, thank you for sharing.